The Mission of the Order is to
foster love and
understanding among all nations and to do so under God. Furthermore,
those of shall practice whenever possible the Corporal and Spiritual
Works of Mercy, and shall always serve their chosen professions,
careers, trades or vocations with the greatest sense of ethics and
morals and offer all sufferings they incur to God in the Most Blessed
The Purpose of the Order is to
bring together
honorable persons who share a dedication and love for God and
Chivalry. Members of all ranks and titles shall seek to defend God in
the Blessed Trinity, the Metropolia of the Syro-Russian Orthodox
Catholic Church, and to serve others faithfully in their chosen
vocations or professions in life. Furthermore, each realizes their
calling to establish peace among all humanity by building bridges
that will connect two opposing factions in hopes of bringing about
harmony between them. Bigotry, hatred, racism, intolerance of other's
beliefs shall not be tolerated.
Members shall be chosen from all
walks of life
that wish to further the ideals of Chivalry, i.e., honesty, honor,
tolerance, kindness, noble virtues, fraternity, peace, love, and
devotion to God, Order, and the Metropolia and Christian Faith. They
will also perform the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy whenever
possible and for the greater glory of Christ God the Pantocrator.