By His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen

November 11, 2008

The civil holiday of Thanksgiving precedes the holy day of the Nativity of Christ. For many, Thanksgiving calls to mind the appreciation for all that we have been given in our lives on this earth. However, for others this is coupled with a great appreciation for what God gave to us over 2,000 years ago, His Son. We recall His birth and later His death for us. We begin our recollection of Christ's Nativity by remembering the words of Archangel Gabriel spoken to St Joseph: "Mary will bring forth a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for that which is conceived in Her is of the Holy Spirit." The Nativity of Christ is a Holy Day of the Church. It is the day of Our Savior's birth into humanity. On this day there was a great light that came all around the shepherds in their fields that was so bright, it frightened them. The angels spoke to them, saying, Fear not. Today, for you and the world, the Savior is born Christ the Lord. You shall find Him in the stable, lying in the manger. The baby will be wrapped in swaddling clothes!"  There are some that think that Christ's birth was different than other births and that it was without pain. This is not so. The Holy Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, suffered as any other woman when she gave birth to her son, Jesus, as He was God and Man.

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good will among men."  This was the song that was heard from the multitude of Heavenly Host, the Holy Angels of the Lord. The greatest gift to mankind was and is Jesus Christ. The shepherds were amazed at the glory of the Lord, and they decided to go and see the child – so they began to follow the bright star. This star led them to the stable in Bethlehem where the baby Jesus was lying in a manger with His mother, and St Joseph, close by Him. The Theotokos Mary was filled with great joy for the Lord was with her, and yet she was also humbled at the presence of her Son, Jesus Christ. There were many others present as well who must have heard the same song that was sung by the holy angels. There at the manger, all worshipped their King and Savior. There are those today who wish that they could have been there at that time to witness the greatest birth ever and yet fail to attend church on this day. For others, we realize that this day is the day the Lord has given to us, and it is given to us every year allowing us the chance to be present with Our Savior on His birthday. He is with us spiritually, and we are allowed the chance to be with Him and the Holy Family as all believers welcome Jesus into our lives and into our world, just like it happened over 2,000 years ago. It is on this day that we give to Christ and to His Church, although for many it is just a day for giving and getting gifts that make them happy. It is so important that we give this day back to Our Lord. There is controversy among Christians as to whether December 25th or January 7th is the day of the Nativity of Christ. For those who follow the Julian Calendar for this Holy Day, January 7th on The civil calendar (which is actually December 25th ) is the day on which we give to Our Lord and His Church. It is custom for others to celebrate on December 25th on the Gregorian (civil) calendar. Unfortunately, December 25th has become too commercialized and the real meaning of this holy day has been forgotten by so many.

The best example of what should be done on the birth of Our Lord is taught to us by the Wise Men who also gave worship to the baby Jesus. Now before I go into this, we must have a clear understand that the story as given in the Holy Bible does not name these men, nor does it state the exact number of them, and it does not even mention their color. In the Gospels of Mark, Luke and John the wise men are not even mentioned. The number of gifts given to Jesus concluded the number "three". They were also given symbolic identities representing all three biblical races, and that meant that one had to be black. So the names Caspar (the black), Balthasar, and Melchior were given to them. However, the names vary among some jurisdictions, e.g., the Ethiopians call them Hor, Karsudan, and Basanater; and the Syrians call them Larvandad, Gushnasaph, and Hormisdas. Now we shall discuss the gifts. The Wise Men were kings from foreign lands in the East. They followed the bright star to Bethlehem first stopping at King Herod's Palace. The three kings from the Orient finally arrived at the stable in Bethlehem where they worshipped their King, and then presented three gifts to the Lord, i.e., Frankincense, Gold, and Myrrh which filled the stable with a sweet fragrance when it was unwrapped. The Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church uses these same gifts in the liturgy, i.e., gold to adorn the Tabernacle and Sacred Vessels; frankincense that is burned during services and ascends to heaven with our prayers; and myrrh that gives fragrance to the Holy Chrism used by the Church.

My brothers and sisters, our Metropolis and Archdiocese serves over 25,000 faithful of which many live below the poverty level in foreign and domestic lands. This is a day when you can contribute to the Church, a day of giving to Christ God. I call upon each and every one of you to please consider giving a donation to assist in our work. Bring back the true meaning of "Christmas" and honor Christ at His Nativity. We send to you all our blessings and prayers at this joyous and holy day called Nativity of Christ.



By His Eminence Archbishop Timothy

November 8, 2008

It is with great fear and humility that I begin my new journey in the Church as the seventh Archbishop to head the Archdiocese of the Americas and Dependencies since 1892. As I begin this new service I ask for your prayers and support. I have witnessed the pain and suffering of His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen and from him learned of the same that affected his predecessors. I know this will not be an easy task for me.

I want to address the issue of "service" and "faithfulness" in the Church. I have witnessed over the last ten years the number of clergy and laity who come wanting to serve, but then after being appointed to a particular service or position fade away and fail to complete their service faithfully. I have also seen some that were ordained who quickly forget what they promised before their ordinations. I have felt the pain this has caused our Primate. I have hope and have faith that this will change soon, and that all servants of God and His Church will realize their importance and face their responsibilities as faithful servants and stewards. Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, Providers, Counselors, and all the Faithful have a responsibility to support the work of their Church. Our Metropolis serves over 25,000 people and several organizations, e.g., Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing, and it costs a great deal of time and money to effectively, and responsibly, serve them all. We depend on the kindness and charity of all to assist us in serving others.

Now, I would like to address the clergy of this jurisdiction. I have watched His Beatitude over the years struggle so that he can accomplish what he believed he must do for so many indigent clergy and laity. This caused him much suffering, embarrassment, and more especially the feeling of being a failure because he could not just give on his own. For the most part my clergy are doing what they can and as often as they can, yet there are those who only donate excuses throughout the year – and in some cases I know they can give. His Beatitude has been most kind to all but there comes a time when we must realize that excuses and broken-promises do not pay the bills, they do not feed the poor and hungry, they do not expand the work of the Church. We are a small and poor Archdiocese that depends on the generosity of those we serve. We do not ask for thousand dollar donations, although this would not be turned away, we merely ask for whatever one can afford. The monthly oblation for clergy is not a request, it is an obligation that must no longer be taken lightly. It is expected on the fifth day of each month. Although His Beatitude has often said that begging is not above or beneath my dignity, after all his years of service it should no longer be necessary.

A New Year (2009) is about to arrive. Let us all work together to support the Church and all its work. We will be happy to give a donation statement annually if requested. We are 501(c) (3) registered and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Let us band together as the family that His Beatitude has worked so hard to build and unite together as one.



"Giving to Glorify God" (Matthew 6: 1-4). The Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Metropolis would like to thank the following for their generosity and love shown to God and His Church. Those wishing their names withheld are shown as "Anonymous." Donation statements upon request.

Our appreciation to the following for their support:

  • All Saints Mission Parish, Anchorage Alaska, $50.00 (10.25.08)
  • Father John Loukas, Chicago Illinois, $25.00 (10.02.08)
  • Presti's Bakery, Cleveland Ohio $100.00 (10.13.08)
  • Father Vladimir Raasch, St Paul Minnesota, $50.00 (10.16.08)
  • Dr Audrey Daniel, South Carolina, $35.00 (11.06.08)
  • Mrs Gretchen Lejeune, $50.00 (10.29.08)



By His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen

November 1, 2008

I would like to begin this article with the words of His Eminence Archbishop Timothy who gave this summary regarding our Apostolic Successions in the previous issue of the OCH: "The issue of "Syro-Russian" in the name of the Archdiocese and the Church was addressed at Great Synod. The bishops all agreed that "Syro-Russian" is misleading and causes many to think that our Church offers services in Russian and/or Syrian. His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen advised that the word "Russian" in itself is the cause of most confusion because the Apostolic Succession of our Church is Syriac and Greek from Antioch. He stated that, "Our orders stem from St Peter the Apostle of Antioch but actually has two lines. The Syriac line is traced back to St Peter the Apostle through His Holiness Ignatius Peter III, Patriarch of Antioch, who approved the consecration of our first Primate, Metropolitan Timotheos (Vilathi) in 1892. The Greek line comes from His Holiness Gregorios IV of the Greek Patriarchate of Antioch when he consecrated His Holiness Aleksij I of Moscow in Russia. Patriarch Aleksij I then consecrated Ioann Konstantin Nikolaevich who brought this line of succession to our jurisdiction when he consecrated Metropolitan John (Skureth) in 1966. This line also dates back to St Peter the Apostle."

The official name of our jurisdiction now is Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church but because there are several that use this same name it is important to qualify it with a more defining name. The one thing we do not want is more confusion especially with those who use this name but are not truly "Orthodox."  Therefore, we have attached to the name "Syriac-Greek Antiochian" or "Syriac-Greek Successions of Antioch." The previous name, "Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic" will still be allowed in certain cases as approved by the Metropolis. An official decree was sent to all clergy concerning this matter, and those who have not received it may request another from the Metropolis. Also, those of the laity who wish a copy may also request one from the Metropolis. It is important that we identify with the original mission of our Church that was issued by His Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Peter III of Antioch, that we be an "American Orthodox Catholic Mission." Since we do not serve just Syrians or Greeks or Italians or Russians, we should express our mission clearly in the name of our Church and Archdiocese.  The Archdiocese shall now be referred to as the "Syriac-Greek Antiochian Archdiocese of the Americas and Dependencies." This will best describe us as first an "American" Church, then as one who traces its beginning back to the Holy Patriarchates of Antioch, then as one with a mission to all peoples throughout the world who wish to embrace True-Orthodoxy. However, simply put, we are and have always been - Eastern Orthodox Catholic. We are pleased to see that the clergy and parishes in Ireland, Uganda, United States, and some in Nigeria have already made the appropriate changes.

It is most important that all our clergy and laity understand that although His Holiness Patriarch Aleksij I was Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow and All Russia, his orders (Apostolic Succession) is through His Holiness Patriarch Gregorios IV of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. Therefore, using "Syro-Russian" has often caused others to think that we are a "Syrian" and "Russian" jurisdiction. Our Church has never been "Russian" in language, tradition, or liturgical Typicon, and its Apostolic Succession, although from a Russian Orthodox Patriarch, and the Russian Church, was in fact Greek Antiochian. Therefore, the amended name of our jurisdiction is more accurate. We pray God's continued protection of our Church.



[Metropolia] Following is a list of the new officers and members of the Christ the Pantocrator Sovereign Order of Chivalry with the blessing of His Beatitude the Primate. Those interested in joining the Order of Chivalry and being part of Induction Class II for 2008, or wishing more information, are asked to send their petition and bio-data to the Metropolia by no later than March 1st, 2008. This may be sent to His Eminence Archbishop Timothy, c/o Our Lady of Sitka Monastery, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland OH 44109.



His Eminence Archbishop Timothy
Very Reverend Archpriest Stephen Lawrence, Commission Moderator

October 10, 2008

Finally after many years of changes, proposals, negotiations, and conflicts, the Commission and Metropolis have reached a working solution to the issues surrounding annual Continuing Education Units. The proposal received unanimous approval by both members of the Metropolia and the Commission at Conference 2008 in Cleveland Ohio. The following are the new norms governing this annual requirement.

  1. All licensed members who are engaged in practice shall comply with annual Continuing Education Unit (CEU) requirements.
  2. There are three options now approved for satisfactorily completing the annual requirements and these are: (a) Completion of the annual Study Program offered; (b) Completion of an alternate seminar or program recognized by the Metropolis for transfer to the Commission; or (c) Attendance at the Annual Commission Conference and Seminars. In all cases the applicable annual fee is still obligatory as a CEU Certificate is issued.
  3. Those who wish to use a seminar completed in another approved venue for satisfaction of this requirement must send verification of completion along with appropriate fee.
  4. Those who wish to satisfy this obligation using the Annual Commission Conference must send a copy of their "Attendance Certificate" annually when the CEU Advisement is sent, and this must be sent with the appropriate fee.
  5. Those who are exempt from this annual requirement are retired members who are not engaged in active practice receiving payment for services; or those active members who are engaged solely in research or teaching.
  6. Those who hold a Doctor of Sacred Philosophy in Theocentric Healing are only required to send an annual paper on their work or any related study and the appropriate fee in lieu of studies.

We truly hope that all the members who were not present at our last conference will be in favor of the now official norms concerning this matter. We have finally pleased all those concerned and this is now one matter that will not require annual negotiation. Any questions should be brought to the Commission Administrator at  so that they can be addressed.




Q. What are the "Minor Orders" of the Church? Dan Morgan (Lowell IN)

A. This varies in jurisdictions of the Holy Orthodox Church. However, in our jurisdiction Minor Orders consist of Acolyte, Reader or Lector, and Subdeacon.

Q. I would like to know who the Archangels are besides Michael and Gabriel? Marge Trumelo (Rock Island IL)

A. There are actually seven archangels that we know of for certain: Ss Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salathiel, Iegudiel, and Barachiel. You will find mention of these in the Books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, and Tobit.

Q. Was St Peter the Apostle bishop of Rome or Antioch? Jeremy Kline (Albuquerque NM)

A. St Peter was the first bishop of the Holy Church of Antioch. He is considered the first Patriarch of the Church there, and through him all the Patriarchs of Antioch trace their Apostolic Succession, as do the Metropolitan Primates of the Syriac-Greek Antiochian Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church. However, he suffered martyrdom in Rome where St Paul served as its first bishop.



The Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church, like other small and smaller Orthodox jurisdictions, realizes that there are members who live far away from the nearest parish to them. In some cases, there are parishes of other jurisdictions that are in communion with us or in which mutual recognition has been exchanged. In such cases our members may attend those churches until one of ours is opened in their locality. In other cases, there are those living in an area with no parish at all to attend, and for them they may belong to an existing parish and be on its rolls as a member. Such persons would be allowed to use the Typica Service within their homes on Sunday and Holy Days. Domestic Churches, Chapels, and Prayer Groups may be established in homes until a parish or mission can be officially established. "Distance Parishioners" would also be allowed to make their 10% tithe to the parish attached to uniting them to it in good standing. For further information contact Archbishop Timothy at  or at Our Lady of Sitka Monastery, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland OH 44109. If you are interested in assisting the Archdiocese in establishing a mission parish in your area, please write to us.



  • Father Anthony Luebke elevated to Very Reverend Archimandrite by His Eminence Archbishop Timothy on August 31st, 2008 at St Patrick Enlightener of Ireland Chapel, Cleveland Ohio.



  • Monk (Brother) Michael returned to Our Lady of Sitka Monastic House, Cleveland Ohio, with permission from His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen on November 7th, 2008.



  • His Grace Bishop Simeon of Cleveland (OH) has been appointed the new Vicar General of the Archdiocese of the Americas and Dependencies and will assist His Eminence Archbishop Timothy in the administration thereof. His Beatitude, at the Great Synod, made the appointment on August 7th, 2008. It is now effective.
  • Very Reverend Mitred Archpriest Stephen Lawrence appointed new Moderator of the Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing replacing His Eminence Archbishop Timothy. His Beatitude made this appointment at the 2008 Commission Conference in Cleveland Ohio. This becomes officially effective on January 1st, 2009.



Issue 1– ( Clergy of the Archdiocese who hold secular jobs or who receive money from outside sources are expected to participate in the monthly oblation to the Metropolis. The policies now being enforced are stated in the previous "Orthodox Christian Herald" as well as this one.

Repeated – ( The Metropolis requests that all clergy obtain a relic of St Nikolaos of Vounenon that was sanctified for our Archdiocese in March 2008. Please write or email the Metropolis about obtaining one for your parish. This is a directive and not a request.



His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen celebrated his birthday on October 13th , 2008, and with him for the occasion were His Eminence Archbishop Timothy, His Grace Bishop Simeon, Archimandrite Fr Anthony Luebke, Reverend Fr Vladimir Rassch, Subdeacon Mark Afzal, and Brother Basil Miller.

Mr & Mrs Dennis (Melodi) Luko are the new parents of baby Maya born on August 19, 2008 in Wisconsin. Many prayers to the new baby and proud parents.




  • All Saints Chapel, Anchorage Alaska (07.17.08)
  • St Barnabas Mission Parish, Cleveland Ohio (09.05.08)
  • St George the Martyr Mission Parish, Pueblo Colorado (Reinstated)


  • St John the Evangelist Monastic House of Rivas Nicaragua, on September 1, 2008.



His Eminence Archbishop Timothy deposed Cyril (Robert Cranshaw) from the Holy Episcopacy on August 15th , 2008 for serious infractions against Canon Law and Policies of the Archdiocese, and for his grave offenses against the Metropolitan Primate. His Eminence also laicized him on the same date.

Subdeacon Matthew Largaespada is facing laicization from the Archdiocese pending a formal review of records by His Eminence Archbishop Timothy. His Beatitude lifted a previous suspension but this was done under bad advisement and has been retracted.

Fr Deacon Thomas Monroe absolved from his suspension and is now placed on probation subject to the Archdiocese, pending resolve of issues that led to his suspension.



  • Bishop Timothy of Duluth (Ohio)
  • Archdeacon John DeMeis (New York)
  • Mr Carl Maus (Maryland)
  • Mrs Karen Wiser (Minnesota)
  • Dr Audrey Daniel (South Carolina)
  • Dr Marge Ebeling DCh (Arizona)
  • Father Paul Jensen (Texas)
  • Father Patrick Lemming (Tennessee)
  • Dr Karla VonEhrenkrook (Arizona)
  • Howard Youngheim (Indiana)
  • Sandra Wiechnik (Indiana)
  • Our Armed Forces everywhere, who are suffering, injured, or who have lost their lives protecting the freedom of others.
  • For all our God-loving Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, Monks, and Nuns, both living and dead, and especially our Most Reverend Metropolitan Stephen, that they will all have good health and many years.

Note: If you, or someone you know, is sick or suffering, please let us know and you (or they) will be added to the OCH Prayer List. Send full name, address and age. Thank you.

You are asked to consider a donation to help the Metropolia with all its programs by sending yours to Metropolis, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44109; or by using your credit card to make a donation through PayPal at All donations are tax-deductible.



[Cleveland Ohio] St Barnabas Mission Parish was approved by His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen on September 5th , 2008. This parish will be located in St Thomas Lutheran Church, which has agreed to rent their facilities to the new mission. For now the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated every Sunday at 1:00 p.m.  St Barnabas Eastern Orthodox Catholic Parish will be located at 9509 Lake Avenue, Cleveland Ohio. It is expected that the mission will open in late December 2008. For more information please call 216-543-6377.



[Cleveland OH] His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen advised the Archdiocesan Vicar General, His Grace Bishop Simeon, that effective January 1st, 2009 all clergy who are capable of contributing to the Metropolis and Archdiocese, but do not or are not excused, will be assessed a $25.00 penalty. This penalty is not to be considered an oblation or part of it. There are a few who neglect this obligation month after month, and the Synod will no longer allow this to happen.

The Metropolitan Primate stated: "Every month my heart breaks more and more to see that our sons [clergy] neglect the welfare of their father [Primate], brothers and sisters [clergy and monastics], and the apostolates of the Metropolis and Archdiocese [missions and poor]. They do this over and over again ignoring our requests as though they have put their hearts on ice. They do not realize how much they impede the work of the Church by ignoring this obligation. Such actions cannot be allowed to continue. Those who give do so religiously and sincerely, and they (in many cases) also suffer from month to month, but they are conscientious of keeping their vows and promises pure and untarnished. I have advised the Vicar General, and His Eminence Archbishop Timothy, that I will allow these priests until December 5th, 2008 to begin making their oblations, but then disciplinary action will follow if there is no change. The Church does not need just priests, it needs "good priests" who sincerely take their obligations seriously."

His Eminence Archbishop Timothy advised that as step one those concerned will receive a letter from the Vicar General, His Grace Bishop Simeon, advising that they are currently behind and that immediate resolve and change is necessary. If there is no change, subsequent actions may include probation, limited suspension or suspension, or a tribunal hearing that could result in more serious actions. His Eminence stated, "Support from clergy and parishes to the particular Mother Church is not uncommon in any jurisdiction, and is mandatory. In fact, in many jurisdictions assessments are made based on income and paid as directed by their Primates. In ours, until now, we allow the individual to decide what can be sent honestly. In this matter, the bishops agree with His Beatitude in his stricter position on this issue." Those who need guidance or assistance are asked to contact the Archdiocese soon.


Advertise in the Herald You can advertise your parish, center, club or other organization in this section for $10.00 plus $.50 (fifty cents) per word. The Orthodox Christian Herald is sent to every diocese, which copies it on to local members. It is read by over 2,900 people and growing.

Framed Icon of St Panteleimon, Patron of Healers Available from Our Lady of Sitka Monastery, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland OH 44109. Suitable for hanging in counseling centers, clinics, and in the home. $40.00, postage and handling included. Commission members are required to have this icon hanging in their offices and clinics. Order yours today.

Lest We Forget Handmade nun dolls from the past. Full habits of many orders of nuns from various Churches including Lutheran and Roman. Nostalgia brought to your doorsteps. These are beautifully created and show the exact habits of nuns worn many years ago. The wife of one of our priests makes them. You can write for a catalog or additional information to Father Patrick Lemming, St James House, 804 Catlett Road, Sevierville TN 37862.

Religious Articles Hand-Made Chalice and Diskos Veils, Aers, Red Communion Cloths, Crosses, Analogia, Wooden Blessing Crosses (for house blessings), and other items for sale and made by Father Steven Johnson. All religious items are hand-made to order. For more information and prices please write to Rev Father Steven Johnson, 1719 South 7th Avenue, St Cloud MN 56301, or call 320-230-2609.

St Nicholas Publications Books, pamphlets, booklets on the Church, Chiropathy, History of the Syro-Russian Archdiocese, Liturgy, and more. For a list of publications offered, send an email to  or write to Our Lady of Sitka Monastery, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland OH 44109.

Vestments for Sale Greek-style priest's vestments tailor made in 4-5 weeks. Available colors: White, Silver, Purple, Red, Green, Black, and Gold. Set includes Phelon (Chasuble), Epitrachelion (Stole), Cuffs, Zone, Aer and Chalice and Diskos veils. Cost per set: $600.00. For more information write to Archdiocese, c/o Our Lady of Sitka Monastery, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland OH 44109, or email.

Revised (2008) and Final Edition - A Treatise on Chiropathy: The Holistic Healing Ministry is now available from Commission on Religious Counseling & Healing, c/o Our Lady of Sitka Monastery, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland OH 44109. The cost is $25.00 and includes Postage and Handling. All chiropaths must have this in their library.



Archdiocese of the Americas & Dependencies, Write to His Eminence Archbishop Timothy, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44109.

Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing Website: CRCH.RBSOCC.ORG For information write: Archbishop Timothy, c/o Our Lady of Sitka Monastery, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland OH 44109. This is an organization for licensed healing professionals in service to God. They serve through the Healing Ministry of the Church.

The Companions of St Basil is open to married or single men and women wishing to share in the good works and prayers of the Monastic Community of St Basil. Those interested in the Companions of St Basil should write to the Moderator, Father Steven Johnson, St Thomas House, 1719 South 7th Avenue, St Cloud MN 56301.

Monastic Community of St Basil is open to those who wish to follow a monastic way of life. Write to Chancery Office, Our Lady of Sitka Monastery, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland OH 44109. The Community has monastic centers in the African Congo, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Ohio, and Minnesota. The Sisters of the Community of St Basil are headquartered in the African Congo and are part of the Monastic Community of St Basil.

All Saints of Ireland Eastern Orthodox Catholic Parish, County Cork Ireland; Father Padraig Kneafsey, Pastor.

Holy Ghost Eastern Orthodox Catholic Chapel , Oceanside California, Very Reverend Archpriest Stephen Lawrence, Pastor.

Ss Cosmas and Damian Eastern Orthodox Catholic Chapel, Carlsbad California; Very Reverend Archpriest Stephen Lawrence, Pastor.

St Andrew the Apostle Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church located at 5907 Grand Avenue, Duluth Minnesota 55807. Clergy: Father Steven Johnson, Pastor - Father Methodius Bauer, Associate Pastor.  Sunday Liturgy: 10:30 A.M. Telephones: 320-230-2609 or 320-260-5224 or 715-495-2579.

St Barnabas Eastern Orthodox Catholic Mission Parish, 9509 Lake Avenue, Cleveland Ohio (located in St Thomas Church). Sunday Liturgy at 1:00 P.M. Phone: 216-543-6377.

St George the Great Martyr Eastern Orthodox Catholic Parish, Pueblo Colorado; Fr Deacon Thomas Monroe, Administrator.

St Luke the Physician Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Mission Parish, VR Father Paul Jensen (Pastor), 339 NE 8th Street, Paris Texas 75450.

St Michael & All Angels Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Parish, St Cloud Minnesota. For information on times of Divine Liturgy, please call Father Steven Johnson at 320-230-2609.

St Patrick Enlightener of Ireland Eastern Orthodox Catholic Chapel, 4202 Newark Avenue, Cleveland Ohio. Clergy: His Grace Bishop Simeon.

St Thomas the Apostle Center, 1719 South 7th Avenue, St Cloud Minnesota; Father Steven M Johnson, Administrator.

St Luke the Physician Mission Parish, VR Father Paul Jensen (Pastor), 339 NE 8th Street, Paris Texas 75450.

St Michael & All Angels Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Parish, St Cloud Minnesota. For information on times of Divine Liturgy, please call Father Steven Johnson at 320-230-2609.

St Patrick Enlightener of Ireland Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Chapel, 4208 Newark Avenue, Cleveland Ohio; His Grace Bishop Simeon – Very Rev Father Anthony Leubke.

St Thomas the Apostle Syro-Russian Center, 1719 South 7th Avenue, St Cloud Minnesota; Father Steven M Johnson, Administrator.


His Eminence Archbishop Timothy and
Reverend Father Stephen Johnson

August 4th-10th, A.D. 2008

The Synod of Bishops, and members of the Metropolis Advisory Committee, met in Cleveland Ohio from August 4th–7th , 2008. The Synod was held at Our Lady of Sitka Monastery and also at St Brendan House. His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen convened and presided over all the sessions during the Great Synod. The Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing Conference was held at St Procopius Roman Catholic Church from August 8th-10th, 2008. His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen convened the Conference, but it was presided over by His Eminence Archbishop Timothy. Some of the decisions from the Great Synod and the Commission Conference are listed below.

Great Synod

  1. His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen invited all members present to his 20th Anniversary of Enthronement as Primate Dinner. His Eminence Archbishop Timothy, who was assisted by His Grace Bishop Simeon, hosted it. It was held at Angelo's Nido Italia in Cleveland's Little Italy. Thirty people attended the fabulous chicken and spaghetti dinner that was donated by the owner, Angelo Sidari. Presti's Bakery donated the anniversary cake made especially for His Beatitude. Several gave talks that honored the life of His Beatitude.
  2. Title XI of the 2008 Canons and Statutes was addressed at the Great Synod, and brought before His Beatitude was the issue of using the word "Eparchy" instead of "Diocese" within the Archdiocese. His Beatitude explained the terminology, and also advised that it was the intent of the Church to establish eparchies in various countries, and a "diocese" would be the center of a particular territory overseeing all eparchies. Several members objected to this and a vote was taken. Four members voted against the term, 3 abstained, 2 were in favor. His Beatitude consented to the opinion of the Synod, and blessed (granted approbation) a change in the wording. The word "Diocese" will replace the word "Eparchy" in reference to territorial dioceses of the Archdiocese. However, this does not affect the creation of non-territorial dioceses, e.g., Eparchy of the Western Rite.
  3. The Synod voted upon discontinuing the Service of Blessing of the Holy Eucharist, the equivalent to the Roman Service of Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. This was voted upon with 7 in favor of the proposal, 2 abstained, and 1 voted against. His Beatitude made a concession and advised that parishes coming from a Roman background that wish to maintain this service may petition the Metropolis.
  4. Bishop Simeon proposed that the tradition of blessing throats on the Feast of St Blasι be allowed within the Archdiocese. His Beatitude opened this up for discussion, and he commented on the fact that such a service in not in conflict with Orthodox Theology, and that it was a worthy consideration for the Synod of Bishops. The Metropolis blessed this service and guidelines will be issued. The vote concluded as follows: 7 in favor, 2 abstained, and 1 against.
  5. Father Steven Johnson gave a partial report on Academic Affairs Archives. His Beatitude dispensed with a full report until Great Synod 2009. It was recommended that Dr Basil Gikas consider relocation closer to the Metropolis so that he can better serve the Archdiocese as Dean of Education and Academic Affairs. This matter was also tabled until Great Synod 2009.
  6. The revised Monastic Typicon was approved by the Synod of Bishops.
  7. The Synod discussed the changing of name for the Archdiocese to reflect its non-ethnic identity and was approved by His Beatitude. This will be described more fully elsewhere in this newsletter.


Commission Conference 2008

  1. His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen advised that this Conference would be the last one that he would be presiding over. A new chapter in our history begins in 2009, and His Eminence Archbishop Timothy will preside over annual conferences beginning in August 2009. Metropolitan Stephen has served the Commission faithfully since 1979, and has served as its Moderator since 1995. Our thanks to him for all he has accomplished for the Commission!
  2. The Continuing Education policies of the Commission were once again brought to the floor. Although His Beatitude approved a new policy, he was willing to hear proposals and listened to those who asked for a major change from what was approved and brought before the Commission members attending. He advised that he would consider the proposal that was brought forth by Dr Peter Smyth, and seconded by Dr Hampton Bumgarner, and would offer his decision. This he did on August 15th, 2008, five days after the Conference ended. He accepted the proposal in its entirety and reversed his previous decision that would allow licensed providers a chance to satisfy their annual CEU requirements at the annual Commission Conference. It was advised that the Metropolis would issue a new set of guidelines to all members on this matter by January 1st, 2009.
  3. The issue of "Touch Therapy" and the use of "short hugs" among providers and clients were brought to the floor. Dr Andrew Gill offered the cons concerning this, and His Beatitude offered the pros. Suggestions were offered by Archbishop Timothy, Bishop Simeon, Dr Hampton Bumgarner, and Dr William Easley. It was decided that the Metropolis and the Commission would establish guidelines that would be presented at the 2009 Commission Conference.
  4. Very Reverend Archpriest Stephen Lawrence was appointed the new Moderator of the Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing, and he accepted. The voting body was in unanimous agreement with His Beatitude's decision. Father Stephen assumes his new office officially on November 1st, 2008, and will take his oath in August 2009.
  5. Dr William Easley gave a presentation on Auriculotherapy.
  6. Dr Andrew Gill gave a presentation on "A Comparison of Methods of Christian Anthropology: Implications on the Healing Arts."
  7. Dr Hampton Bumgarner gave a presentation on "The Healing Self."
  8. Very Rev Dr Stephen Lawrence gave a presentation on "Current Toxic Dental Practices and Wellness Dental Healthcare Concepts."
  9. His Beatitude Metropolitan Stephen and His Eminence Archbishop Timothy gave presentations on Theocentric Healing and Theocentrism.
  10. His Beatitude made a donation to Sister Annette for allowing the Conference to take place at St Procopius Roman Catholic Church. His Beatitude also treated the Sisters to a dinner at Bruno's Restaurant.

With all our love and admiration for you, Metropolitan Stephen, on your 20th Anniversary of Enthronement as our V Primate of the Church.

This report submitted to the faithful of the Church by:

Archbishop Timothy

Father Steven Johnson