Dr David Brian Wesley, president of the Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing from 2002-2005, passed away in a tragic accident while in California at a speaking engagement. David was born on March 9th, 1955. He resided in Dallas Texas and was working on a Bio-pH Balance Program for the Commission that he has been researching for several years. He gave his first presentation on this project in July 2004 at the Commission Conference in Duluth Minnesota. He has been associated with the Commission since 1998 but made formal application in 1999. Dr Wesley worked long and hard in making the message of the Commission known wherever he spoke. His endless hours of research in Biblical Medicine and Bio-pH Balancing will never be forgotten.

Upon hearing the news, the Archbishop of the Synod offered prayer and displayed shock and grief. By his mandate previously issued disciplinary sanctions against him for just cause were lifted and expunged from his records. He shall long be remembered in our hearts. A Requiem Liturgy will be said on Friday April 8th, 2005 at St Mary Pro-Cathedral in Duluth Minnesota. Several Liturgy and flower donations have come in from clergy and members of the Commission.

Father Haralambos Winger succeeds him as interim president of the Commission. Voting will take place at Conference 2005. Dr Sandra Dobiash has advised the Commission of her interest in continuing the work of Dr Wesley in Bio-pH Balancing. The Synod is attempting to retrieve related documents maintained by Dr Wesley from his estranged wife.


By Father Archimandrite Timothy Kjera

The correct name for this great Feast of Feasts is Holy Pascha – not Easter. The word Easter comes from a mythological source used by pagans who honored Eastre – the goddess of spring. How ironic that certain Christians give homage to Christ's resurrection under this name. As one can clearly see this year, Christians do not celebrate this holy day together. Many will celebrate "Easter" on Sunday March 27 th, four weeks prior to the Passover and a date not consistent with the early Church, while Orthodox Christians will celebrate Pascha on Sunday May 1st. There is no doubt why the Orthodox Church is so named. The word comes from two Greek words, ortho meaning right or true and doxa meaning belief. The word Catholic also comes from the Greek, katholikos meaning universal. Thus our name, Orthodox Catholic as opposed to Roman Catholic, meaning True Believers of the Universal Church.

In the Orthodox Christian Church, Pascha is known as the Feast of Feasts because of its importance in our life both now and for eternity. It is the climax to why Christ came to earth in the form of man. His death opened the gates of heaven once again to us having been closed since the fall of Adam and Eve. His glorious resurrection was a true sign that we, too, shall be raised from the dead and that there is life after death. Pascha, from the Greek for "Passover," represents Christ's victory over death and is also called the "resurrection of Christ. It is known that at the Council of Nicea (A.D. 325) the early Church Fathers met to decide when the Feast was to be celebrated." Orthodox Christians, as opposed to Western Christians (those following newer traditions that stem from Rome), follow the regulations and ancient formula of the Holy Church. The Council of Nicea declared that this great feast of Pascha may never coincide with (or be celebrated before) the Jewish Passover. It must be celebrated on the first Sunday after the Full Moon following the vernal equinox as calculated in the Julian Calendar. So we continue this tradition following the commands of those who were called to make such decisions.

The Easter Bunny and commercialism of this great feast, like many others, certainly cannot be pleasing to God. In fact, it is truly a sad reality that many children equate this holy day with the Easter Bunny, another symbol introduced by the pagans. Rabbits are a symbol of fertility and were associated with pagan springtime celebrations. The sacredness of this holy day is replaced with chocolate instead of going to church for many. Churches that should receive donations in order to continue the faith suffer, but department stores make a voluminous amount of profits. Being Orthodox I relish celebrating this feast apart from the commercialism because we have a chance to truly understand and accept the meaning of this great and holy Feast. We must return to our longing for Christ's resurrection and not the coming of the Easter Bunny. It is only then that we can be one with Christ God.


His Eminence Archbishop Stephen, Metropolitan Primate of the Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church, has approved communion with the Romanian Orthodox Church in Exile headed by His Excellency Bishop Stefan of Ohio. The Syro-Russian Synod will meet in July to officailly offer it's consent to the communion between these two churches. Bishop Stefan once served the Syro-Russian Orthodox Archdiocese as a priest. Bishop Stefan, in an e-mail to His Eminence Archbishop Stephen, offered his joy on this decision and thanked the Archbishop for his love.


Clergy from many countries are expected to meet with His Eminence Metropolitan Stephen, Archbishop Primate, at the Synodal Conference that is planned for July 17th – July 27th, 2005, in Duluth Minnesota at St Mary the Theotokos Church. The Diocese of Nigeria is planning to send eight members of the clergy and clergy and seminarians from Nicaragua, Tanzania and the Diocese of the United Kingdom are also making plans to be present. It is expected that Bishop George of England, Bishop John of India, Bishop-elect Steven of Nigeria, Chorbishop Joseph of Belgium and Chorbishop Seraphim of California will be present. More information can be obtained from the Chancery or by writing or sending an email to Father Mark K Mwaga in Duluth Minnesota. The meeting will be to discuss the spiritual and administrative needs of the faithful throughout the Church. The meeting will take place at St Mary's Church, 5907 Grand Avenue, Duluth Minnesota. Also to take place is the Synod of Bishops meeting that will be held at St Nicholas Center in Superior Wisconsin. Among those scheduled to attend along with chancery officials are: VR Father Thomas Dillon (USA), Father Haralambos Winger (USA), Father Cyril Cranshaw, Vicar of Nicaragua, Father Padraig Kneafsey of Ireland, Father John Aziz, Vicar of Pakistan, Father Joseph Ogola, Vicar of Kenya, Deacon Demetrios Esau, Vicar of Tanzania, and others from the African Congo and Nigerian Diocese are also expected to be in attendance.


The Metropolia offered prayers for Terry Schiavo as she quietly passed unto the Lord. Her life of suffering has come to an end and now is with those who will love her, said Archbishop Stephen. The Archbishop went on to share his disgust over various issues that are related to her husband, Michael. He said, "How can any man who claims love for his wife, forbid the family of his wife to be present with her in the final minutes of her life. This is a sad day when those in power made no move at all to protect life and to maintain familial rights at a time like this." Obviously there were many atrocities displayed during the past month concerning this matter, but the most heinous act was that of intentional murder. Starving a human being to death. As stated by Father Timothy Kjera, Vicar General of the Syro-Russian Archdiocese, "It is a crime to starve a dog to death, but we allow this to be done to a human." May God forgive all those who acted against this woman's rights in this life, and against the rights of her dear parents and family


Second in a Three Part Series by Archbishop Stephen.

Some might ask why the Archbishop has chosen to write exposing articles about other faiths within Christianity. Does he dislike people outside of Orthodoxy? What propels him to do so? First, I do not dislike my brothers and sisters from my own house or the houses of others. It is my love for them that inspires me to bring credible facts before them in hopes that they will see the truth. My love for Christ God is above all love for mankind and it must be, because if I do not love God how can I love any other or myself? It is not dislike of sinners that makes one pray for them, but rather hatred of the sins they commit. I do not dislike Christians of other faiths, but I do protest with great forte the erroneous beliefs that are taught to many whom have been caused to stray from the true faith of Christ God. I keep close in mind what is said in 2 Timothy 4:1-5: I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, and exhort, with all long-suffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. In obedience to these words, I greet you.

Almost all recognize the fact that Judas betrayed Christ. However, we fail to recall that St Peter also betrayed Christ by denouncing him thrice. The difference between the two is that St Peter repented and Judas only had remorse for his sin. It is never too late for a Christian to return to the faith of Christ and the Holy Apostles. It only becomes too late once our soul leaves the body – and we know not the second when this shall occur. Many think that death is only for the aged or careless, but this is not so. Recently an 18-year-old basketball player at a local high school here collapsed on the court and died of a heart attack. Young and old die, and we see the proof in this by the number of infants who do not see day two after birth, or the teenager who dies in an accident or the many who are killed just like what happened in Minnesota recently at Red Lake High School. Then there are the aged persons whose hearts just can't beat any longer. We must always be prepared. My purpose in this article is to give cause to open the eyes of the soul and mind to what was intended by Christ for his Church. These are not my teachings – but those of Christ God!

I recall back in the summer of 1996, a Baptist preacher (age 20) came to my house and after learning my faith persuasion he tried to convince me that my beliefs were very wrong. He started by telling me that I should not pretend to drink the blood of Christ at Holy Communion. I allowed this young man to go on for about 15 minutes before stopping him. I asked him if he believes and follows what is in the Bible, and he responded with a mighty "yes!" I then asked if he has ever read Matthew 26:26-28 and he responded with "I can't recall." I then told him that if he had read this he would know that Christ himself commanded us to eat of his body and drink of his blood in the Holy Eucharist. I told him that there is no discussion or debate on whether the bread and wine are truly his body and blood because he said so. To believe otherwise or use something other than what Christ chose is an act against Holy Scripture. With this he was at a loss for words. I then told him that Christ God himself was the founder of the Orthodox Church and its only head today. I asked who founded his church, and his response floored me. He said, "John the Baptist founded the Baptist Church even before Christ." Fighting back laughter and relying on my compassion for him, I reminded the young man that St John the Baptist preceded the reformation by many years and prepared the way for Christ and his Church. I then advised him that the true founder of his denomination was John Smyth (England 1606). This, I said, can not be attributed to God. For God sent his only Son who founded but one Church. The young man then quickly left and appeared very perplexed.

I have found in talking to hundreds of people over time that many simply do not know or truly understand the first Seven Ecumenical Councils and Church History. When confronted with facts that they cannot dispute they either became very interested or very irritated. In many cases those that I have conversed with have later accepted Orthodoxy and were baptized and/or chrismated into the Faith. In other cases I really did not know if the persons were irritated with me or with themselves (but probably themselves). I know that many seek an easier and more palatable way to worship that requires minimal time, and this is not really worship in the sense of the word. Some religious groups today that once had meaningful services or liturgies lasting over an hour have reduced the time to 30 minutes to 45 minutes to please those coming. I thought we were supposed to please God. The Orthodox Church has not done this. Why must God's day be a time to cut back time on? Is 2-3 hours a week too much to give to the God who created us and loves us? Is it too much time to give to the Christ God who died for us so that we would have eternal happiness by keeping the laws of God? We give more time to television, sports, going to movies and/or dinner, and so many other things in life. Do we ever stop to think about how God must feel when we ignore him to stay at home and watch a football game, or clean house, or go out with our friends instead of giving God time on Sundays? It is unfortunate that television preachers lead so many astray by their actions and teachings, especially by making people think that television worship is pleasing to God and can take the place of going to church. Most will accept large amounts of money to bring one closer to God, or to wash away their sins, and then use this money for their own purpose. Look at them in their expensive suits and dangling earrings, faces packed with make-up as though they were participating in a circus act. Is this the image of Christ? Christ was humble and dressed in very plain robes. He did not ride around in a chariot (then) or Lexus (if he were here today), he did not wear suits that cost enough to feed the 12 apostles and all the holy prophets at a five-star restaurant with all the trimmings fit for a king. For such things are not of God. We must remember at all times that Satan knows the Bible well, and he can disguise himself at will as the angel of light (Corinthians 11:14). We are warned of this in Holy Scripture, in 1 Thessalonians 2:8; 2 Thessalonians 2:18; 1 Timothy 4:1; Revelation 16:14; and other passages. Christ knew the day would come when false prophets would lead many away from the true Faith. I have not been to heaven, nor do I claim to know what it is really like there, however, from what has been written in history and in the Holy Bible, I can safely say there will be no Country Western or Jazz Masses in heaven. There will be no Rock n' Roll Christian Concerts in heaven; and I do not believe there will be evangelists claiming that God told them to collect money for their own purposes under the guise of the Church. I also do not believe that Christ who suffered such a horrific death is pleased with the many contemporary religious services that have been created to appeal to certain masses instead of to give proper worship to God. When we enter church we should be transcended into heaven on earth. Mysticism and beauty and solemnity should surround us. If I want to go to a jazz concert there are many public places around to enjoy such – not at a Sunday Liturgy. Holy Scripture tells us there is a time and place for everything. Fun should not be mixed with worship because it was no fun for Christ God on the cross. It should be meaningful and uplifting and worthy before the throne of God.

This brings me to what many call pseudo-Christianity, something that resembles it but in actuality really is not. Who was Joseph Smith? Is the Mormon Church a cult as described by many religious groups including Roman Catholic Joseph Whalen in his book "Separated Brethren"? To hear a Mormon talk about Mr Smith one would think he was a saint and a visionary. However, a reasonable person who has investigated this cult would quickly learn that he was as much a con as the "Smith" Bible (Book of Mormon) that Latter Day Saints Church members (Mormons) profess belief in. Joseph Smith was born in 1805 in the State of Vermont. Later, in Fayette Western New York he became the founder of the Mormon Church (1830) which was originally a layman's movement. In Whalen's book, he states without hesitation that the Mormon Church is a cult, and this is certainly agreed to by many. In John Brush's booklet entitled "Who's Who in Church History" concerning the fictional tablets, it states, "alleging he had found some golden plates containing a new revelation."  This allegation has never been proven nor have the plates. In fact, this cult is mostly based on a novel that was being written at the time and not upon any divine revelation at all. There is but one Bible and that book today exists without competition. In fact, Christ made sure under his inspiration that St John finished this book with a very stern warning. Revelation 22:18-19 tells us that nothing may be taken from or added to the words of Holy Scripture. Those who dare will be excluded from the Kingdom. Joseph Smith led his followers to Illinois where they settled. He was often in trouble with the law for serious violations (not becoming a man representing Christ). He was killed by a mob there as he was yet again entering jail after being arrested for another crime. Cults are especially dangerous to the soul because they strip all sacred belief and tradition away and replace it with manufactured beliefs that are akin to its founder. They are always contrary to the ancient teachings of Christ God and the Holy Apostles. Although Christ took bread and wine at the Last Supper, in Mormon temples they take crackers and water. Although the ancient Christian Church accepted all who believed, the Mormons excluded blacks until the Internal Revenue Service threatened to take their recognition away, and then they opened their doors because of another "revelation" to accept blacks on an equal status. They run many touching and thought provoking commercials on television but lack true faith. "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14). They come in pairs to the doors of almost everyone announcing their beliefs and telling us how wrong ours are – but they are lost when confronted with ancient religious facts and run off. In "A History of the Church" published by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, it states: "To the Main Line Protestant Reformation Churches must be added those Churches which may have emerged from Christian Churches, but separated from them in basic Christian doctrine. One of these Churches is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the Mormon Church, as it has come to be known." Truly it has separated itself from sound Christian dogma and many would even say that it divorced itself from Christianity in any real sense. Smith's claim to have been led by an angel to golden tablets was never substantiated. The book written by the Greek Archdiocese states, that wherever Mormons went they were forced to leave or run out of town, and for just cause. Mormons in Utah have control of property, industry, labor and politics, everything that Christ and his apostles did not have or want. If my words seem to be harsh regarding this matter, think how much harsher the final word of God will be on it. It's not good to defy Holy Scripture. A sinner mitigates his wrongdoings by creating excuses for what he does, and a wrongdoer enjoys the company of others who also follow his or her lifestyle.

Like my analogy used in the first of this series, a chain restaurant cannot create new recipes and still be considered part of the original. It is still a restaurant without a doubt – but not part of the main body any longer. Such entities are forced to change their name and menus because they are no longer offering what was intended. This will be addressed more in the next (and final) article of this series. It is not my intention to discredit the sincere worshippers of another faith group, but only to bring out facts that perhaps have never been considered by them. After all, the soul is a very precious thing to God – and should be to us as well. May God bless you all in your good deeds.

To Be Continued. In the next and last of this series we will discuss the commercials being ran by the United Church of Christ among other issues.



Archbishop Joseph (Of Blessed Memory)

The following is a brief but moving article that was presented by Metropolitan Archbishop Primate Joseph of the Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church, previous Primate of the Church. Archbishop Joseph suffered greatly in his last days on earth as he was riddled with arthritis making movement very painful. Although very ill, he still managed to celebrate the Holy Liturgy until he became bed ridden.

Greetings in Jesus Christ our God and Mary the Theotokos! There is no doubt in my mind that there is a God to whom we shall all be answerable to in the end. I know that even as a sinner I am loved by him and that he wants only the best for me. Illness, to me, is nothing more than an invitation to become closer to Christ in his sufferings. It is a time to feel the pains that Christ suffered and still suffers over the sins of mankind. Through suffering I am brought closer to God through prayer remembering how many times I have failed to thank God for all the good he has given me. Many say that life is not fair, but it is very fair because it is a gift from God, and we make it what it is on earth. Death is not the end but the beginning of our new life free from disease, want, confusion, pain, and the desires of flesh. Our sufferings are only steps to what reward is to come – but only if we walk with Christ God and keep holy the faith he has given to us. Healthy or ill, I find peace and joy celebrating the Holy Liturgy and walking with Christ from Bethlehem to Calvary. Glory be given to Christ God our hope and our only way.


The Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church, like other smaller Orthodox jurisdictions, realizes that there are members who live far away from the nearest parish to them. In some cases, there exist parishes of another jurisdiction that are either in communion with us or in which mutual recognition has been exchanged. In these cases our members may attend such churches until one of ours is opened in their locality. In extreme cases, those living in an area with no parish at all to attend, they may belong to the Pro-Cathedral of St Mary and be on its rolls as a member. Such persons would be allowed to use the Typica Service within their homes on Sunday and Holy Days. They would also be allowed to make their 10% tithe to St Mary's as parishioners uniting them to a parish in good standing For further information contact Father Timothy Kjera at  . If you are interested in assisting the Archdiocese to establish a mission parish in your area, please write to the same email address.


Father Timothy Kjera has announced that the 2005 Commission Conference will take place from 11:00 a.m. Friday July 22nd until 3:00 p.m. on Sunday July 24th, 2005 at St Mary Syro-Russian Orthodox Church, 5907 Grand Avenue in Duluth Minnesota. A Commission picnic Sunday afternoon has been suggested and is being considered. For more information call the Commission Moderator at 202-448-2948 or 218-590-8435, or check the information in the Wellspring Newsletter.


The Chancery has announced that the online catalogue for St Mark-Romano Byzantine College is now up and running. It can be viewed by going to where one can also find an application for admission.


The Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church is pleased to list its academic centers. Under the omophor of the Church are: Holy Apostles College in Tanzania; Holy Trinity College in India; Holy Trinity Seminary in Pakistan; St Basil Seminary in Cuba; St Mark-Romano Byzantine College in the United States (and extension in Canada); St Dionysios University in Greece; and St Vasilios (Basil) Seminary in Greece. St John the Evangelist Monastery in Nicaragua also serves the academic needs of those interested in the faith and religious or priestly life.



  • Chorbishop Seraphim pastor of St Stephen the Protomartyr Parish (Mission) in Hemet California, effective March 20th, 2005.
  • Father Cyprien Ntumba, administrator of the African Congo Vicariate, effective March 24th, 2005.
  • Father Haralambos Winger elected interim president of the Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing, effective March 10th, 2005.



Established under the Metropolia:

  • Diocese of the United Kingdom (England, Wales and Ireland) under His Excellency Bishop George, 2004.
  • St Stephen the Protomartyr Parish of Hemet California, March 2005.



  • The Metropolia has received back Chorbishop Seraphim of California, and has reinstated his faculties with limitations pending a probation period.



  • His Eminence Metropolitan Stephen
  • Bishop-elect Steven of Nigeria
  • Sr Irene (Washington)
  • Roberta Constantinides (Illinois)
  • Father William Day (Texas)
  • Father Thomas Dillon (New Jersey)
  • Father Paul Jensen (Texas)
  • Father Patrick Lemming (Tennessee)
  • Doris Mwaga (Tanzania)
  • Barbara Payne (Minnesota)
  • Lukas (Donald) Payne (Minnesota)
  • Father Vladimir Raasch (Minnesota)
  • Robert Rhea (Kentucky)
  • Beth Weiner (Minnesota)
  • Sandra Wiechnik (Indiana)
  • Howard & Nancy Youngheim (Indiana)
  • All those affected by the Tsunami.
  • All those suffering in Iraq.

Note: If you, or someone you know, are sick or suffering, please let us know and you will be added to the OCH Prayer List. Send full name, address and age. Thank you.


  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II of Rome, April 2nd, 2005.
  • Desmond Okoro, brother of Father Joseph Okoro, passed away in the Diocese of Nigeria on February 18th, 2005.
  • Father Stefan Vasilescu, assistant pastor of St Anthony (Romanian) Orthodox Church, Cleveland Ohio USA, passed away on February 14th, 2005.
  • David Brian Wesley, former President of the Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing, passed away on February 25th, 2005 in California.
  • All Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Monastics of the Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church who have fallen asleep into our Lord.
  • For all the laity of the Church who have passed on to Christ God.



Issue 1. (03.26.05/1) The Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church observes Holy Pascha on Sunday May 1st, 2005. We do not disobey the Council of Nicea. It was declared by the Holy Fathers of the Church at that time that Pascha (Christ's Resurrection) must be celebrated on a Sunday. Furthermore, it may never be celebrated before the Jewish Passover (because Christ rose after the Passover), and it must be celebrated after the first full moon of the spring equinox. We stand with tradition on this matter for the greater glory of God.

Issue 2. (03.26.05/2) Fasting is not meant to be a punishment for the followers of Christ, but rather a means to strengthen our body and soul and teach us self- discipline. During the Lenten Season we are required to abstain from certain foods, e.g., meats, dairy products and cheese, but caution must be exercised. Those who are sick, the very old or very young, those who are working strenuous physical jobs, and during time of travel the abstinence may be relaxed or absolved. In regard to fasting, i.e., one full meal per day with two or less smaller meals, this is also relaxed for those mentioned above. It is good to consult your parish priest when in doubt, or contact the Chancery of the Archdiocese.




His Eminence Archbishop Stephen, Metropolitan Primate, sent a personal message to Pope John Paul II wishing him God's blessings as he continues to weaken under pressing health issues. The Archbishop, on behalf of all Bishops and faithful of the Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church, expressed concern for his health and advised of prayers for his recovery. The message was sent on Friday April 1st, 2005.

On April 2nd, 2005, Archbishop Stephen heard the televised announcement that Pope John Paul II had died. The Archbishop offered prayers for his soul and advised his Vicar General and Chancellor, Fr Archimandrite Timothy Kjera, that a commemoration shall be made in the Divine Liturgy on Sunday April 3rd , 2005 for the Pope of Rome. The Archbishop asks that all clergy of the Metropolia offer prayers for the soul of the Roman Pontiff. May he rest in peace, and his memory be eternal.


St Stephen the Protomartyr Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Parish has been granted approbation from the Metropolia to form. Chorbishop Seraphim has been appointed pastor of this new mission parish to be located in Hemet California. Chorbishop Seraphim has advised the Chancery that he is currently negotiating the use of a church building for the beginning of the mission. More information will be given in future newsletters.


Father Vladimir Raasch has announced the opening of his mission parish, Ss Volodymyr and Olha, in St Paul Minnesota. The Metropolia, although not a priest of the Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Archdiocese, recognizes Father Vladimir. The parish will be meeting at a Lutheran Church located on the corner of Edgcombe Road and Field Avenue. Father has advised that in addition to the Eastern Rite Liturgy, he will also make available the Western Rite Liturgy of St Germain (Gallican) and the Celtic Liturgy for those who favor these. More information will be made available. Father can be reached at 651-699-0230.


Paris Texas is the home of another new mission parish, St Luke the Physician Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church. Very Reverend Father Paul Jensen is the appointed pastor of this new parish. Father Paul was previously serving the Western Rite of the Orthodox Church, but has now embarked on the establishment of a parish using the Byzantine Rite. For more information Father Paul can be reached at St Luke Rectory, 339 NE 8th Street, Paris Texas 75450. Father is also very active in hospital and nursing home ministries in Parish.


Father Cyprien Ntumba, pastor of St George Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church in the Congo (Africa), has been named Administrator for the Vicariate of The Congo in Africa. Father was ordained in the Coptic Orthodox Church but left and joined the Syro-Russian Church last June 2004. He will be meeting with officials in the Congo to officially register the Church there with the government. The Congo now has approximately 5 missions and parishes along with two convents, St Mary Mother of God Convent and Holy Archangels Convent. The two convents together have over 20 nuns and novices.


In the previous edition of the Orthodox Christian Herald, we erroneously advised that Holy Ghost Retreat Center in Nicaragua was located in Managua. Father Cyril (Cranshaw) MCSB advised that St John the Evangelist Monastery is located in Managua but Holy Ghost is located in Leon - 80 miles northeast of Managua.


Framed Icon of St Panteleimon, Patron of Healers Available from St Mary's Orthodox Catholic Church, 5907 Grand Avenue, Duluth MN 55807. Suitable for hanging in counseling centers, clinics, and in the home. $40.00 (Postage/Handling Included).

A Treatise on Chiropathy: The Holistic Healing Ministry will be available by May 1st, 2005. Those wishing to purchase a copy of this may do so by sending $25.00 to St Nicholas Center, 1318 Baxter Avenue, Superior WI 54880-1762. The Treatise will be $35.00 after that date.

Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing CRCH.RBSOCC.ORG For information write to: Dr Peter Smyth, 109 Palmer Circle RR2, Bolton Ontario L7E 5R8 Canada; or Father Timothy Kjera, Post Office Box 16201, Duluth Minnesota 55816-1612. Professionals in service to God through the Healing Ministry of the Church.

Monastic Community of St Basil and Companions of St Basil open to those who wish to follow a monastic way of life or who wish to be associated with it in the secular world. Write to: St Mark's Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Abbey, 1A Sultan Street, Accrington Lancashire BB5 6EL England. The Community has monastic centers in the African Congo, Accrington England, Superior Wisconsin (USA), Imo State Nigeria, and Managua Nicaragua. The Sisters of the Community of St Basil are headquartered in the African Congo and are part of the Monastic Community of St Basil. The Companions of St Basil is open to married or single men and women wishing to share in the good works and prayers of the Community.
